mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Wait, what? There's a space center here?
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Infinity Eagle
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Infinity Eagle
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Infinity entrance sign
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Matt approaches the building
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: A Lego Lego space shuttle
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Matt illuminated by the sphere projection screen
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Matt gazes at Jupiter
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Matt as astronaut
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Melissa as astronaut
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Melissa as astronaut
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: This guide was cool, and showed us all the cool stuff
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Fun with thermoimaging41
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Fun with thermoimaging
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Fun with thermoimaging
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Matt in the ISS lab module
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: ISS Discovery Destiny
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Werner von Braun - not a Nazi. Nope..
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: I guess something will go here ... sometime in the future!
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Math launches shuttles!
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: GIANT fly on the Saturn V F-1 engine
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Saturn V F-1 engine
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Saturn V F-1 engine
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: Saturn V F-1 engine
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: I bought some Infinity earrings
mormolyke: Stennis Space Center: flowers in bloom