mormolyke: Noisebridge
mormolyke: Matt being cute in the queue
mormolyke: Matt being handsome in the queue
mormolyke: Goofing in the queue in the rain
mormolyke: Creepy spider things
mormolyke: Where's Wally? Oh, there he is.
mormolyke: Matt at the window
mormolyke: SF skyline
mormolyke: Walkway
mormolyke: Taking the walkway on the fifth floor
mormolyke: Ex sweet potato gnocchi
mormolyke: People sculptures
mormolyke: Matt observes the Californian Artist
mormolyke: Wow! A Jasper Johns that didn't make me feel violent hatred!
mormolyke: Stendhal syndrome verge
mormolyke: View from the cough
mormolyke: Crazy eyes
mormolyke: Floor shot
mormolyke: I could really use some of this
mormolyke: Playing with shutter speed and my ND4 filter
mormolyke: This bird really wanted to mate
mormolyke: Architecture
mormolyke: Cupcakes
mormolyke: Chalkboard on a wall leads to harmless graffiti
mormolyke: Islamic flavored building
mormolyke: Islamic flavored building
mormolyke: Chanticleer bows
mormolyke: The de Young museum at night
mormolyke: Two seagulls
mormolyke: Two brothers