mormolyke: Action shot! Her SUV drives off.
mormolyke: The crowd reacts to Palin emerging
mormolyke: Palin emerges 2 (she's wearing red)
mormolyke: Palin emerges 1
mormolyke: SS guys yell @ dems in apartment above
mormolyke: This guy is also a republican, wtf
mormolyke: Repubs poke heads out, vastly booed
mormolyke: Her SS thugs are really old, wtf?
mormolyke: Dirty sanchez here is a republican
mormolyke: Republicans in the Cafe
mormolyke: More protesters @ Irish Pub
mormolyke: Police protecting the entr of Irish Pub
mormolyke: Protesters against Sarah Palin in Philly
mormolyke: The queue. We're moving @ ~1 voter/min.
mormolyke: I guess they are flyering for McCain
mormolyke: There are only TWO voting machines :(