mork the delayer: Strap coral
mork the delayer: forest path
mork the delayer: neat-looking fungus
mork the delayer: Closed bottle gentian
mork the delayer: small black tooth fungus
mork the delayer: puffballs are delicious
mork the delayer: nice grassy nest
mork the delayer: bunch of trumpets
mork the delayer: black trumpet closeup
mork the delayer: maybe a fourth of the eventual collection
mork the delayer: Abbie poses
mork the delayer: The serene natural Abbie
mork the delayer: across the dinner circle
mork the delayer: Tiny tree frog I found on my hand while picking blackberries
mork the delayer: Donut island by kayak
mork the delayer: Arrowhead
mork the delayer: Boletellus russellii
mork the delayer: Sulphur shelf
mork the delayer: Butterfly
mork the delayer: A good start
mork the delayer: Some really nice fresh Indian pipes
mork the delayer: First haul
mork the delayer: a nicely shaped hedgehog
mork the delayer: an array of hedgehogs
mork the delayer: beautiful club cluster
mork the delayer: Chantarelles