mork the delayer:
Tents on site
mork the delayer:
Setting up and sitting down
mork the delayer:
Carla dangles from huecos
mork the delayer:
Carla grabs a hold
mork the delayer:
mork the delayer:
mork the delayer:
hangin' out on a boulder
mork the delayer:
Kevin boulders
mork the delayer:
Adam boulders
mork the delayer:
My Bouldering Attempt
mork the delayer:
Kevin leading a climb
mork the delayer:
Kevin leading a climb
mork the delayer:
View across the canyon
mork the delayer:
Miles leads
mork the delayer:
Laccaria sp. ?
mork the delayer:
one of the only Lupines beginning to bloom
mork the delayer:
Castilleja sp.
mork the delayer:
Castilleja sp.
mork the delayer:
Balsamorhiza sagittata
mork the delayer:
Balsamorhiza sagittata
mork the delayer:
Wall got climbed
mork the delayer:
context for that last shot
mork the delayer:
Snow creek near the bottom
mork the delayer:
Wood tick
mork the delayer:
Lomatium sp. ?
mork the delayer:
Maple flowers
mork the delayer:
east wall of snow creek gorge
mork the delayer:
as far as I got up the Snow Creek trail
mork the delayer:
a thicket of devil's club pokes through the snow
mork the delayer: