morganya: One hive body put together! Busy Bee Hives top-bar hives are works of ART.
morganya: painting the hives
morganya: attaching the roofing
morganya: metal curlicues, snipped from the edges of the roof
morganya: next up is hammering the edges down: fun but tiring
morganya: post-hammering and post-silicone sealant - almost done!
morganya: with top bars and storage in place
morganya: front of hive (all stoppers in)
morganya: my hives
morganya: two packages are mine, one is my hive host's
morganya: it's covered in beeees!
morganya: installed ktbh, about to be filled with bees!
morganya: my hives, open
morganya: bees are installed!
morganya: hives, two days in
morganya: examining the roof
morganya: my hosts' Langstroff hives
morganya: two entrances now
morganya: working the new comb
morganya: colorful pollen
morganya: lots of comb-building going on!
morganya: fallen comb and a mini-comb attached to the follower board
morganya: busy bees!
morganya: emptied hives :(
morganya: first honey harvest in progress! omg you guys, mashing comb with my bare hands is so fun it reduces me to valleygirl speak. protip: put on an apron *before* you start mashing.
morganya: comb pre-mashing but post-arting via instagram filters