polycorn: Israeli theater
polycorn: view of jerusalem
polycorn: our "guard"
polycorn: location of the last supper - we weren't allowed to go in there either
polycorn: women are ALWAYS separate from men
polycorn: hebrew
polycorn: they like this stuff too.
polycorn: cool hand
polycorn: limestone walkways/roads
polycorn: old jerusalem street corner
polycorn: old jerusalem walls
polycorn: top - old city, bottom, old OLD city (as in ancient Roman)
polycorn: Hasids, we were allowed to look at them.
polycorn: down that corrider is an invisible line between the Arab and Jewish quarters...
polycorn: freaky future tongue lurks out of ancient stone mouth
polycorn: Temple Mount/Dome of the Rock
polycorn: giant menorah
polycorn: ancient jerusalem (being excavated)
polycorn: model of old jerusalem
polycorn: new excavated part of old ancient jerusalem
polycorn: the WALL
polycorn: all the little prayers stuck in the wall
polycorn: men's side of the wall
polycorn: wailing wall, boys side and girls side (the boys get all the gear)
polycorn: with the wailing wall to my back, this is what i see
polycorn: jerusalem market (2)
polycorn: jerusalem market
polycorn: Our guide was really into playing his guitar and singing and talking
polycorn: all of this was on the same wall
polycorn: view from our hotel room