morethanphotons: train (7)
morethanphotons: train (2)
morethanphotons: round the way (7)
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morethanphotons: DSCN0671
morethanphotons: DSCN0526
morethanphotons: DSCN0490
morethanphotons: DSCF0781JPEG of
morethanphotons: Copy of kaliedescope (6)
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morethanphotons: central park winter cp (12)
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morethanphotons: alaska mountain pics (46)
morethanphotons: alalska sunrise sunset (4)
morethanphotons: DSCN9865
morethanphotons: absence of fear
morethanphotons: what I am to the marrow
morethanphotons: overwhelming calm
morethanphotons: 1920's 2005
morethanphotons: 3 against 1
morethanphotons: asphalt river in the brick jungle
morethanphotons: soho noho village... nah just the city to me!
morethanphotons: sweatshop to exclusive lofts
morethanphotons: sick carnival bootleg (4)JPEG of
morethanphotons: manhattan buildings rain (9)JPEG of
morethanphotons: old school graffiti
morethanphotons: graffiti 45 ave (5)
morethanphotons: primate in hungary
morethanphotons: grafitii 45 ave (7)