moreska: China Leshan Giant Buddha temple complex - manual laborers on the move - "Men at Work"
moreska: China Chongqing murky early evening view along the Yangtze River
moreska: China Luoyang old city rooftops and backalleys - "Retro China" (2)
moreska: China Beijing hutong backalley street-view with kid having a pee - "Whizz Kids"
moreska: China Luoyang colorful side-street in old city area - "Retro China"
moreska: China Luoyang old city street scene
moreska: China Luoyang old city area street scene
moreska: China Luoyang 2009 vintage building in city's old town section - "Shades of Grey"
moreska: China Luoyang view of Stalinist block apartments and hospital from old city fort
moreska: China Luoyang Old City Fortress Wall with Cannons and colorful decoration - "Hitting the Wall"
moreska: China Harbin colorful shops and signs in backalley by railway station
moreska: China Harbin sculptures and cool vintage buildings just off Central Avenue
moreska: China Harbin ornate heritage architecture along Central Avenue
moreska: China Harbin lobby of youth hostel housed in restored synagogue
moreska: China Harbin Kazy International Youth Hostel cafe decor in restored historic synagogue
moreska: China Harbin City View Near Daoli District - "Baby Gaga?"
moreska: China Harbin apartment block near Daoli district sporting cool shopworn retro-looking mailboxes - "You've Got Mail"
moreska: China Harbin apartment block rustic handpainted mailboxes (?) with scribbles and splashes
moreska: China Harbin colorful well-worn mailboxes and handpainted addresses on Stalinist Block - "You've Got Mail" (2)
moreska: China Harbin cyclist riding on frozen Songhua River by "floating" restaurant
moreska: China Harbin street-food stand various colorful nuts for sale by weight
moreska: China Beijing Red Hotel room 'map' showing Gentleman's House, Lady's House, and Lover's (!) House
moreska: China Chengdu goofy Engrish Chinglish sign promoting 'Complimentary Talk About Service' and others - "We Are At Your Service!"
moreska: China Chengdu goofy Chinglish/Engrish tone shifts on sign in park - "Idealism vs. Realpolitik"
moreska: China Harbin Chinglish in shopping mall directory 'Fomous Snock' and 'Peep show in mizzle' - "Chinglish Lives!" (1)
moreska: China Xiahe Labrang Monastery goofy Chinglish sign listing 'No, Pictliring' and other no-nos - "Chinglish Lives" (2)
moreska: China Beijing Beihei Park goofy Chinglish sign with "Manual Dumplings Wrap Up the Sale Now" Chinglish Lives
moreska: China Beijing Red Hotel guest room goofy Chinglish on list of room goodies' replacement costs - "Pleaes Treasure the Room Goods"
moreska: China Beijing goofy Chinglish sign urging "Please be self-restraint" to be a good tourist
moreska: China Harbin crowded cluttered noticeboard on wall of Stalinist block apartment - "867-5309 anyone?"