moreska: P'yongyang North Korea souvenir (hard-currency) store goodies for sale
moreska: North Korea stuff for sale at P'yongyang hard-currency store
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang hard-currency store stuff for sale
moreska: North Korean hotel shop goodies - tiger bone tonic?
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Ryanggang Hotel gift shop two different brands of bear tonic (!) for virility on sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Ryanggang hotel bookstore selection of cartoon books
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Ryanggang Hotel bookstore stuff for sale
moreska: North Korea Majon Hotel bookstore new DPRK books on the menu
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Ryanggang Hotel bookshop lots of fun reading material - "Psst! Hide the book with the rocket on the cover"
moreska: North Korea Wonsan Dongmyung Hotel bookstore - collection of cookbooks, songbooks and more - "Kim Publishing"
moreska: North Korea Kaesong stamp store propaganda stamp posters for sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang propaganda posters for sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang propaganda posters for sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Yanggakdo Hotel Bookstore colorful propaganda poster for sale
moreska: North Korea colorful textiles for sale at the Tong-bong farm shop
moreska: North Korea stuff for sale DPRK-branded booze products
moreska: North Korea snake liquor and ant liquor
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang hard-currency store mushroom liquor and ant liquor for sale
moreska: North Korea Shinp'yong truckstop gift shop - vintage DPRK-branded rotgut liquor for sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Tourist Shop - lots of rotgut liquor for sale - "It's Schwell"
moreska: North Korea Mt. Myohyang guesthouse giftshop - real tiger-bone tonic and weird snake-y shell sculpture trinkets for sale - "Old-school Tourism"
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Minye tourist shop - "Hangover Cure Tea" and other goodies for sale
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Ryanggang Hotel stuff for sale shell art
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang Minye crafts emporium 'real' North Korean shell-art trinkets for sale - "Jersey Shore-style"
moreska: North Korea stuff for sale at rural rest area
moreska: North Korea basement of Chongjin fisherman's club
moreska: North Korea P'yongyang tourist shop colorful traditional dress and lacy lamps for sale
moreska: North Korea stuff for sale at rural guesthouse
moreska: North Korea stuff for sale at rural inn
moreska: North Korea - P'yongyang MInye tourist souvenir shop - lots of colorful dolls and trinkets on display