FutureNostalgia: Ghost Pepper
FutureNostalgia: Self portrait as a kid, ink and paper
FutureNostalgia: That's my Foots.
FutureNostalgia: I am actually turning into a hermaphrodite mix of both of my parents.
FutureNostalgia: That would be me.
FutureNostalgia: I am self evident.
FutureNostalgia: IMG_20170821_194900
FutureNostalgia: IMG_20170821_195043
FutureNostalgia: Enough already.
FutureNostalgia: Me after 18 hours of writing
FutureNostalgia: Dyeing to change colors.
FutureNostalgia: Self Portrait in the nearest thrift store.
FutureNostalgia: Because of ginger ale, cats, libraries, and technology...
FutureNostalgia: I sat on the edge of the tub and wept.
FutureNostalgia: Collage Scrapbook
FutureNostalgia: Self portrait with hair
FutureNostalgia: Self portrait with auxiliary eye
FutureNostalgia: It's a me in that mirror.
FutureNostalgia: Equations.
FutureNostalgia: Sketchbook entry 2011
FutureNostalgia: Pneumonia Face
FutureNostalgia: The first step is admitting that I am powerless. LOOK! 12 Giant steps backward in almost a decade. Meh. At least I quit using 9 years and 11 months ago as of midnight tonight. Yay.
FutureNostalgia: blackout pseudo-selfie
FutureNostalgia: Stepping into a crappy part of my afternoon.
FutureNostalgia: Cloudwatcher
FutureNostalgia: The Accidental Self Portrait
FutureNostalgia: Brooding over the lack of incandescent filaments
FutureNostalgia: Why streetlights can not come indoors to play.
FutureNostalgia: Unintentional Self Portrait
FutureNostalgia: Selfie-Inflicted (unintentional self portrait 2)