FutureNostalgia: Contemplative Astrea.
FutureNostalgia: Sara: Ha, I made them all myself.
FutureNostalgia: Goodnight.
FutureNostalgia: "Sleeping to death." Astrea doesn't nap casually.
FutureNostalgia: Astrea Harvest Moon Eyes
FutureNostalgia: Astrea is a mother now
FutureNostalgia: Astrea's Afternoon Nap
FutureNostalgia: "Why do people associate ME with Halloween?"
FutureNostalgia: "What are those purple flowers?!"
FutureNostalgia: When the cat claw clippings looked like a moon and night sky
FutureNostalgia: The Cat Tangle
FutureNostalgia: Milk Frenzy Madness
FutureNostalgia: Astrea, you have to wean these babies!
FutureNostalgia: Oh, 7 little enchiladas. 4 boys and 3 girls!
FutureNostalgia: Astrea and Michael
FutureNostalgia: Expectant mother is napping.
FutureNostalgia: Astrea is tired of this pregnancy.
FutureNostalgia: Amy does not want to wean!
FutureNostalgia: Catnip High
FutureNostalgia: The Age of Many Paws
FutureNostalgia: Panthers