portobelleza: the cross
portobelleza: Lanz in Coyoacán
portobelleza: this place rocks!
portobelleza: bracelets
portobelleza: cute gift
portobelleza: Lanz, Mexico City
portobelleza: Lanzero, charming as always
portobelleza: Lanzero, posing
portobelleza: que pasa? ;)
portobelleza: Lanz 2
portobelleza: a fixed gaze
portobelleza: una pausa
portobelleza: Lanzero
portobelleza: things are looking up
portobelleza: dark skies
portobelleza: Lanz behind the camera
portobelleza: Lanzero
portobelleza: photographer
portobelleza: look over there
portobelleza: happy birthday, Lanz
portobelleza: Lanz at the MUNAL in Mexico City
portobelleza: in action
portobelleza: the doll that became a man ;) / el muñeco que se convirtió en hombre