Moran Guy: DSC_0012
Moran Guy: My Wife
Moran Guy: DSC_0017
Moran Guy: DSC_0018
Moran Guy: DSC_0020
Moran Guy: DSC_0022
Moran Guy: CAJU famous restaurant by Joseph Hadad
Moran Guy: unique and expensive Nike shoos
Moran Guy: DSC_0038
Moran Guy: Central University Library, Bucharest
Moran Guy: happy what's up
Moran Guy: Matching hats colors
Moran Guy: Central University Library, Bucharest
Moran Guy: Central University Library, Bucharest
Moran Guy: Central University Library, Bucharest
Moran Guy: Longines watch
Moran Guy: Former Securitate HQ in Bucharest, Romania
Moran Guy: Triple windows
Moran Guy: Ministry of Internal Affairs
Moran Guy: DSC_0074
Moran Guy: DSC_0079
Moran Guy: DSC_0081
Moran Guy: DSC_0082
Moran Guy: Revolution Square, Bucharest
Moran Guy: DSC_0088
Moran Guy: DSC_0090
Moran Guy: umbrella street
Moran Guy: DSC_0110
Moran Guy: DSC_0112
Moran Guy: DSC_0115