Mopped Top: step 1 - hydrate the shrooms
Mopped Top: step 1.5 - waste not want not
Mopped Top: step 2 - chop the porcini
Mopped Top: step 3 - make a roux
Mopped Top: step 4 - add garlic
Mopped Top: step 5 - add onion & porcini
Mopped Top: step 6 - add the cremini
Mopped Top: step 7 - add your herb
Mopped Top: step 8 - cook it down and dry it out
Mopped Top: step 9 - cover with lid and simmer
Mopped Top: step 10 - add water
Mopped Top: step 11 - add the potatoes
Mopped Top: step 12 - finishing touches