The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: Lou Stoumen Award Ceremony
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: Picturing the Process: Landscapes through Time and Space
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: Model Wife Exhibition 2000
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: MoPA gallery- Visions of Passage
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: MoPA gallery- Double Vision
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: MoPA night facade by Jennifer Dery
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: Visitors taking in the art, floor view
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: Visitors sitting in front of Gary Schneider's Flesh exhibition
The San Diego Museum of Art | MOPA at SDMA: A visitor sits in front of Gary Schneider's Flesh exhibition