Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Statue of Charlemagne, Liege
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Cephalus and Procris
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Untitled (architectural detail)
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Elephanta, The Three Headed Figure at Back of Cave
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Deesse Isis
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Enoshima, a beautiful island off Kamakura, Japan
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
15221. Roma - Pubblico Passeggio del Pincio, Fontana del Mosè
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Versailles Bassin de Latone
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Colonne Vendome
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Tuileries Pav de Flore, Facade sur le Quai
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Ajanta, Interior of Cave No. 9
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
The Horse Shoe Topped Monolith and Stone Elephant (near Madrail)
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Piazza Colonna, Rome
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Diogenes, with Sun Lacock, England
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Interior of Temple at Gwalior Fort
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Carved Pillars in Panch Mehal, Fetterpore Sikri
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Entrance to Nave (Simhasanum) North Portico
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Moulmein, Buddhist Caves (Burma)
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Roma, #1240
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Rome, Place du Quirinal
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Elora, Interior of Indur Subha with Figure of Indra
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Elephanta, Group of Figures Near Water Cave
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Ensemble du Tympan, Facade principale, porte cote nord
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
'Diogenes' without Sun, 17, Lacock, England
Museum of Photographic Arts Collections:
Tenktak House - Harocedown Island