mooyo neimar: 1. The way to Muladhara
mooyo neimar: 2. Dwell (Swadhisthana)
mooyo neimar: 3. City of jewels (Manipura)
mooyo neimar: 4. Synergy (Anahata)
mooyo neimar: 5. The voice (Visshudha)
mooyo neimar: 6. Behind the curtain (Ajna-The third eye)
mooyo neimar: 6. Behind the curtain II (Ajna-The third eye)
mooyo neimar: 7. The Crown (Sahasrara)
mooyo neimar: Sharing
mooyo neimar: Subtle I
mooyo neimar: Waves of Reiki
mooyo neimar: The flame
mooyo neimar: Iceman
mooyo neimar: Into the void