pragmaticgeek: One of those still autumn days where the sun was shining AND there was no wind.
pragmaticgeek: On the way down…
pragmaticgeek: Nothing like a shadow and a bit of light…
pragmaticgeek: Keep those windows clean.
pragmaticgeek: Dream on. This is the closest I will get to an M9.
pragmaticgeek: The big slide is gone. Replacing the last wooden playground in Wellington.
pragmaticgeek: Actually, more composed for winter.
pragmaticgeek: Should have had these happy chappies before table top got so wrecked.
pragmaticgeek: Ready for the Big One?
pragmaticgeek: Levitating lemon?
pragmaticgeek: Beady eye?
pragmaticgeek: Needed some rain so ordered the wood…
pragmaticgeek: If only she would do the ironing as well…
pragmaticgeek: Candles at Saturday’s wedding…
pragmaticgeek: All ready to go…
pragmaticgeek: Reflecting interview with @francescook from the Wellingtonian.
pragmaticgeek: The diagonal. Should have waited another 2 seconds…
pragmaticgeek: Useful description of coffee drinks.
pragmaticgeek: Water bucket fountain at night
pragmaticgeek: Cloudy pole
pragmaticgeek: Warbled reflection
pragmaticgeek: #aiesec Still around after all these years
pragmaticgeek: What a dag…
pragmaticgeek: One button to rule them all.
pragmaticgeek: Zip it.
pragmaticgeek: Don’t you love Wellington on a crisp, clear day…
pragmaticgeek: Stable light?
pragmaticgeek: Has the horse bolted?
pragmaticgeek: Treasures from another wedding…