Divine Vessel: I gotta gun and I know how to use it!
Divine Vessel: stress relief
Divine Vessel: Happy Birthday to ME
Divine Vessel: Remind me not to wear stripes
Divine Vessel: Georgia Voter
Divine Vessel: hdc1967
Divine Vessel: DV astride
Divine Vessel: Self-Portrait
Divine Vessel: Trying to do the Catgotti thing.....just don't have it!
Divine Vessel: Fun Day
Divine Vessel: Reflections of Moi
Divine Vessel: 10-year License
Divine Vessel: Last day to be 57
Divine Vessel: self portrait
Divine Vessel: Swinger2
Divine Vessel: Swinger
Divine Vessel: Me and My Shadow
Divine Vessel: Taking a bow for Exfordy
Divine Vessel: Bean snuggling in the bosom of Love
Divine Vessel: Who's the fairest of them all?
Divine Vessel: Self Portrait 2
Divine Vessel: Moo & Moosmom
Divine Vessel: ME on BRAG 2005
Divine Vessel: The Family at Mike's Graduation
Divine Vessel: Dad, Mike, Mom
Divine Vessel: Net, Joel, Me
Divine Vessel: The Family
Divine Vessel: Self Portrait: Through My Daughter's Eye