meeshypants: art the floor
meeshypants: tearing down the art
meeshypants: reading letters
meeshypants: the poem
meeshypants: amen
meeshypants: part purple
meeshypants: taller than you!
meeshypants: in water
meeshypants: part blue
meeshypants: part two
meeshypants: still
meeshypants: big brother is watching you
meeshypants: the viewing
meeshypants: the wake
meeshypants: when does life begin?
meeshypants: what are we?
meeshypants: the play!
meeshypants: we partake in habits
meeshypants: collage
meeshypants: what is art?
meeshypants: be free
meeshypants: who really cares?
meeshypants: or going to hell
meeshypants: learn more about god?
meeshypants: wall
meeshypants: confront death