meeshypants: drawing before class
meeshypants: whoo art!
meeshypants: ella bella and cat
meeshypants: learning about giacometti!
meeshypants: the technique
meeshypants: ella makes a head!
meeshypants: mee moo getting arty
meeshypants: cat pinches!
meeshypants: ella ponders
meeshypants: cat puts hers on pedestal
meeshypants: more drawing!
meeshypants: miss alicia
meeshypants: miss alicia
meeshypants: ella tells us
meeshypants: ella is an expert!
meeshypants: cat shows us
meeshypants: cat has all four classes
meeshypants: before class
meeshypants: example rothko
meeshypants: nicholas and his mom
meeshypants: carmen and mommy
meeshypants: nicholas
meeshypants: nicholas and miss alicia
meeshypants: miss alicia and sam!
meeshypants: carmen
meeshypants: sam and miss alicia
meeshypants: mom is excited!
meeshypants: blending it all in
meeshypants: sam traces
meeshypants: circles