meeshypants: bad boys
meeshypants: honking costs $350
meeshypants: sculpture
meeshypants: lamps!
meeshypants: manhattan
meeshypants: better lamps
meeshypants: gothic city
meeshypants: looking up
meeshypants: perfect.
meeshypants: advanced mammal
meeshypants: danger dance
meeshypants: tall buildings
meeshypants: they threw america on the ground
meeshypants: thomas paine park
meeshypants: el ciudad de nueva york
meeshypants: that leaf
meeshypants: through the trees
meeshypants: shadows
meeshypants: robotic
meeshypants: avenue of the strongest
meeshypants: 1933
meeshypants: police and fire
meeshypants: greedy
meeshypants: jesus
meeshypants: fire!
meeshypants: the golden unicorn
meeshypants: you are the bluest light
meeshypants: love me
meeshypants: forever health