meeshypants: some kind of machine gun
meeshypants: the AK
meeshypants: tommy gun
meeshypants: my target
meeshypants: the 44
meeshypants: pouring wine
meeshypants: my wine glass
meeshypants: roboty!
meeshypants: wypadki
meeshypants: spacerowa
meeshypants: building
meeshypants: street light
meeshypants: glowny
meeshypants: trybunal
meeshypants: lights
meeshypants: building
meeshypants: house number
meeshypants: post box
meeshypants: where?
meeshypants: memorial
meeshypants: SS prison
meeshypants: ministry of education
meeshypants: my birthday
meeshypants: tools of torture
meeshypants: hologram