moosepics: Driving up the hill to meet up with Terry and Monique. Doesn't look too bad... yet...
moosepics: Oich. Snowing AND road closure...
moosepics: Well, at least we don't need Sno-park permits any more this year!
moosepics: The scrapers left just enough on the road to skin up gingerly...
moosepics: My favorite giant pine tree near the Rock Creek Lodge.
moosepics: Playing chicken with the snow plows...
moosepics: Yeah, OK, YOU WIN!!!
moosepics: The toe of Mt. Morgan (S) north ridge is over there somewhere...
moosepics: Be a while longer before pie...
moosepics: The workers were all gathering here.
moosepics: Clean lines.
moosepics: What the county is up against. That's one big wall of snow.
moosepics: Wouldn't want to be at the business end of that thing!
moosepics: Rock Creek Lake.
moosepics: The pack station.
moosepics: Older tracks, but maybe even from the morning? Filled in and I worked to rebreak the track.
moosepics: Monique and Terry coming up behind.
moosepics: Coming into Mosquito Flats.
moosepics: Plenty of running water here.