moosepics: P1080676
moosepics: P1080677
moosepics: Start of the day for Bunker Hill.
moosepics: P1080680
moosepics: Road heading up Basin Canyon.
moosepics: Up on the ridge.
moosepics: P1080683
moosepics: P1080684
moosepics: P1080685
moosepics: Still a lot of snow up there.
moosepics: Bill ahead (again, LOTS of this going on)...
moosepics: P1080688
moosepics: Pretty skies to the south.
moosepics: P1080690
moosepics: Pansy-ass sun. Are you even trying??
moosepics: P1080692
moosepics: Last big steep loose slope thingie.
moosepics: P1080694
moosepics: Pretty skies are still in the south. Cold and windy on top of us.
moosepics: P1080696
moosepics: P1080697
moosepics: P1080698
moosepics: Final approach to Bunker Hill.
moosepics: P1080700
moosepics: P1080701
moosepics: P1080702
moosepics: P1080703
moosepics: Me and Adam on Bunker Hill.
moosepics: Bar owner from the night before. There were free drink tokens in with the register!
moosepics: Register.