MooseAde: Waiting for the stragglers
MooseAde: World's Scariest Flamingo
MooseAde: What are they plotting?
MooseAde: Saz 'n' Raz arrive, with tat!
MooseAde: A very un-Saz-like wave!
MooseAde: "Good lord, she's a strange orange cat! And so is Saz!"
MooseAde: AIIIIEEEE!! No Pinning!!!
MooseAde: Oi! I said NO pinning!
MooseAde: Examining, and eating, the Goody Bags
MooseAde: A Patriotic 'Raffe...
MooseAde: Stuff On My Status
MooseAde: Amber Prophet arrives, by Ship!
MooseAde: Sneaky Photo Wars from PasTA
MooseAde: Mean people who took the mickey...
MooseAde: More Photo Wars
MooseAde: Muchos flag waving and tat!
MooseAde: Carpy and Michael try to hide behind a flag...
MooseAde: Jonni has been to check if Bear ***** in the woods...
MooseAde: Greenwich Park in all its finest glory
MooseAde: Guilty, or peeved? Hard to tell...
MooseAde: View from the top - Bert has vertigo
MooseAde: More of the view
MooseAde: Mmmm... Cake
MooseAde: They bring fooooood!
MooseAde: Ray and Milky spoil the shot :)
MooseAde: Woooah there! Careful Peachy!
MooseAde: I... just... don't... know...
MooseAde: Vertigo inducing...
MooseAde: Hurrah! The flag is raised!
MooseAde: Admiring their handywork