truromoon: Giant sequoias in Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Christine with a giant sequoia
truromoon: Giant sequoia with offspring
truromoon: Three giant sequoias
truromoon: Fire-damaged giant sequoia
truromoon: Christine at base of giant sequoia
truromoon: The President tree
truromoon: The Senate trees
truromoon: Sunshine through the sequoias
truromoon: The House trees
truromoon: Black bear and cub at the roadside
truromoon: Yucca on the Marble Fork trail
truromoon: Marble Falls in Marble Canyon
truromoon: Marble Falls, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Marble Falls
truromoon: Rocky Marble Falls
truromoon: Streaked rock by Marble Falls
truromoon: White water of Marble Falls
truromoon: Marble Falls tumbling over the rocks
truromoon: Mineral King, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Valley at Mineral King
truromoon: Mineral King mountainside
truromoon: Black bear on Tokopah Falls trail, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Black bear, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Black bear & her cub, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Black bear in Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Tokopah Falls, Sequoia National Park
truromoon: Tokopah Falls
truromoon: Hikers arrive at Tokopah Falls
truromoon: Tokopah Falls close-up