spacefades: Korean Trains
spacefades: Korean? Graf
spacefades: My cousin and her son
spacefades: Doe Hyan pitches
spacefades: Sleeping in the car
spacefades: Korean Sunset
spacefades: My uncle and a mosquito
spacefades: The view from my uncle's home
spacefades: My daddy loves me
spacefades: Brian looking at high rises
spacefades: The city stream
spacefades: Family portrait
spacefades: Hospital
spacefades: the Palace
spacefades: Doota!
spacefades: Bamboo path
spacefades: Bamboo Sky
spacefades: Moon Mountain
spacefades: Korean Police
spacefades: Korean Snake
spacefades: Self portrait
spacefades: My father's grandfather's house
spacefades: Korean dog
spacefades: Look what I found! Seoul!
spacefades: King Garden Palace
spacefades: Blue Eyed Korean Dog
spacefades: Rice Fields!!
spacefades: Blood
spacefades: Jesus on the side of a mountain
spacefades: Korean roller coasters are just as fun as American ones