Mark Berthold: Ngorongoro Crater at dawn
Mark Berthold: Ngorongoro Crater zebras
Mark Berthold: African lions Ngorongoro Crater
Mark Berthold: Elephants Ngorongoro
Mark Berthold: Zebra at dusk
Mark Berthold: Leopard surprised in Serengeti grass 1989
Mark Berthold: Grevy's zebras 2000 left
Mark Berthold: Grevy's zebras with giraffes
Mark Berthold: Giraffes framed by acacias
Mark Berthold: Giraffes Serengeti under acacia trees
Mark Berthold: Crowned Cranes Serengeti Africa
Mark Berthold: Displaying male widowbird in flight
Mark Berthold: Fresh on the hoof
Mark Berthold: Lion guarding kill
Mark Berthold: Rhino. 20,000 white rhinos and 5,000 black rhinos left but killed daily
Mark Berthold: Cape Buffalo
Mark Berthold: Endangered Rhino mum and calf Ngorongoro Crater
Mark Berthold: baboon with baby
Mark Berthold: hippos Serengeti
Mark Berthold: Flamingos Lake Natron Africa
Mark Berthold: Hyenas and flamingos Lake Magadi
Mark Berthold: flamingo reflections
Mark Berthold: Serengeti dusk
Mark Berthold: Leopard in tree Serengeti
Mark Berthold: Tree-climbing lion Lake Manyara National Park
Mark Berthold: Serengeti sussing out
Mark Berthold: Orynx on Seregeti
Mark Berthold: Oryx herd Serengeti
Mark Berthold: Amboseli elephant antics
Mark Berthold: Elephant youngsters sparring