moonrat42: All cleaned up and ready for the assembly this morning.
moonrat42: All dressed as boxes!
moonrat42: Isaac did it! The whole class was adorable. But seriously, Isaac nailed it!
moonrat42: Tooth #5 is out.
moonrat42: A little morning science reading.
moonrat42: Snow angels
moonrat42: This kid loves playing in the snow
moonrat42: Also having fun
moonrat42: Super fun, now let's get some hot cocoa.
moonrat42: Explaining Uranus' horizontal orbit.
moonrat42: Angry napping boy and his cat.
moonrat42: Trying on his first pair of glasses
moonrat42: Seeing the world
moonrat42: Victor
moonrat42: Look who's wearing glasses!
moonrat42: Happy 5th birthday, Isaac
moonrat42: Silly-headed people being silly.
moonrat42: Puzzle building
moonrat42: Puzzle building
moonrat42: Ready for cupcakes!
moonrat42: Did I already blow out the candles?
moonrat42: Happy Birthday, Isaac!
moonrat42: Wish made, let's eat!
moonrat42: Isaac's 5th birthday party
moonrat42: Let the carnage begin
moonrat42: Origami by Isaac
moonrat42: Enthralled
moonrat42: This morning's surprise! His loose tooth came out while he was eating cereal.
moonrat42: It's a tooth losing kind of day.
moonrat42: Silliness