moonrat42: Squishy's first trip in the minivan
moonrat42: Maiden voyage of the Minivan
moonrat42: Sunny tent
moonrat42: What to bite next?
moonrat42: 42 weeks - 42 semanas
moonrat42: Chilling out in the shade with Braze
moonrat42: Scott and Victor
moonrat42: Jef's bike
moonrat42: Bob's spot
moonrat42: Healers Circle
moonrat42: Healers Circle
moonrat42: Our neck of the woods
moonrat42: Healers Circle
moonrat42: Nap time
moonrat42: nom
moonrat42: Ministry of silly walks
moonrat42: Victor pins Eric
moonrat42: Toys
moonrat42: Scott making a chair for Bob
moonrat42: Scott making a chair for Bob
moonrat42: Good-bye Bob.
moonrat42: Yeay!
moonrat42: The Blue Bunnies start to assemble
moonrat42: More than his share of bunny ears
moonrat42: Blue Bunny Cake
moonrat42: Wiley
moonrat42: Some of the men of 42
moonrat42: The Blue Bunny can cook!
moonrat42: Victor makes a cute Blue Bunny
moonrat42: Taking turns being a Blue Bunny