moonrat42: Takun, 2 months old
moonrat42: Kitties
moonrat42: Takun attacking the snake
moonrat42: Menchi playing with the new toy
moonrat42: Menchi licking his nose in anticipation
moonrat42: Takun makes off with the mouse
moonrat42: Menchi wants to help paint
moonrat42: Takun
moonrat42: Takun sleeping on the Skull platter
moonrat42: checking the newcomer out
moonrat42: Menchi sleeping with the sock monkey
moonrat42: menchi in a bag
moonrat42: Action Cat
moonrat42: We did! We did hear the can opener!
moonrat42: Did I hear the Can Opener?
moonrat42: Takun
moonrat42: BC on the prowl
moonrat42: Gimme!
moonrat42: Menchi
moonrat42: Takun and Menchi
moonrat42: Menchi
moonrat42: Menchi
moonrat42: Menchi on the railing
moonrat42: Menchi on the railing
moonrat42: halloween kitty
moonrat42: Menchi hanging out
moonrat42: Mechi and Takun, enjoying the heating vent
moonrat42: Mechi and Takun, enjoying the heating vent
moonrat42: Menchi watches my stuff...
moonrat42: Menchi guarding the little anvil