moondoxy: Meet Thirteen! (and her wubba)
moondoxy: EBL + Wubba = a special kind of lub
moondoxy: on March 13, 2013
moondoxy: Thirteen offers Kitsune a welcome wubba chiken
moondoxy: from certain angles, this girl reminds me of Joni Mitchell...
moondoxy: loving that Narwhal dress!
moondoxy: Thirteen and bunny
moondoxy: Thirteen the Puppeteer
moondoxy: in the pink
moondoxy: patina of afternoon light
moondoxy: Thirteen dreams of narwhals
moondoxy: dazed-dream
moondoxy: sweet dreams
moondoxy: evening flowers
moondoxy: Fly away
moondoxy: Fly free, pretty flutter by
moondoxy: The back garden girls
moondoxy: Thirteen at the beach
moondoxy: pale beach beauty
moondoxy: ack! stray hairs!
moondoxy: searching for shells
moondoxy: nothing like a sandwich on the beach
moondoxy: "I look like a freakin' present." "You are, my dear."
moondoxy: maybe she's born with it
moondoxy: windswept
moondoxy: beach swing
moondoxy: June 19: Cover Girl
moondoxy: the blondes in their blue summer dresses
moondoxy: the middie blondes join their big sisters in blue
moondoxy: and then the blonde petites get in on the act