moondoxy: Earl stumbles upon the cat teaching the wubba chickens how to use the litter box
moondoxy: Girls in the kitchen--with chickens and cats
moondoxy: Earls seems to have come across a witch hat and a robot...
moondoxy: if the hat fits...
moondoxy: Spa Day for Earl!
moondoxy: Earl's hair in the sunlight
moondoxy: Earl's hair drying
moondoxy: neat sweet petite
moondoxy: Earl is my cuppa
moondoxy: Earl dressed as Wednesday for Wubba Chiken Wednesday
moondoxy: Every new outfit calls for a wubba chiken accessory
moondoxy: hullo
moondoxy: Look at me! I'm up a tree!
moondoxy: Earl picked a wee december flower
moondoxy: contemplation
moondoxy: having a chat
moondoxy: Where did all these presents come from?
moondoxy: the girls in their stands
moondoxy: Earl got a dinosaur for Christmas!
moondoxy: not football fans
moondoxy: pink eyes, brown dresses
moondoxy: friends
moondoxy: Gus wants to play
moondoxy: Valentine's Tea for Two
moondoxy: Is that George Clooney?
moondoxy: AY-YA! Muggle channeling Miss Piggy
moondoxy: Earl can't believe her eyes...
moondoxy: getting her hair did
moondoxy: Earl and her stylist
moondoxy: Hair!