mooncowboy: sunrise clouds
mooncowboy: mcdonald's sunrise in evanston
mooncowboy: afton wyoming antlers
mooncowboy: loading up the rafts
mooncowboy: loading up the rafts
mooncowboy: loading up the rafts
mooncowboy: taking control of the ducky
mooncowboy: taking control of the ducky
mooncowboy: taking control of the ducky
mooncowboy: taking control of the ducky
mooncowboy: rafts away
mooncowboy: like twins
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: lunch counter on the ducky
mooncowboy: rafting the snake river
mooncowboy: rafting the snake river
mooncowboy: playing on the shore
mooncowboy: the snake river
mooncowboy: playing on the shore
mooncowboy: playing on the shore
mooncowboy: playmates
mooncowboy: in the meadow
mooncowboy: in the meadow
mooncowboy: in the meadow
mooncowboy: in the meadow