mooncowboy: house in snow
mooncowboy: lds church, 600 e 200 n in provo
mooncowboy: in tree
mooncowboy: sunflower
mooncowboy: helping hands
mooncowboy: first
mooncowboy: teeball
mooncowboy: down battle creek falls
mooncowboy: sycamore cove kids
mooncowboy: all-american hot air balloon
mooncowboy: room guitar
mooncowboy: kerouac
mooncowboy: the great saltair
mooncowboy: red paint can
mooncowboy: cemetery bench
mooncowboy: graffiti train
mooncowboy: swinging
mooncowboy: posse
mooncowboy: mount tallac's shadow
mooncowboy: jesus
mooncowboy: in maestro's
mooncowboy: view from the Y