mooncowboy: through the telephone wires
mooncowboy: stamp foundation
mooncowboy: scaling the mineral examples
mooncowboy: the visitor center
mooncowboy: riding
mooncowboy: engine
mooncowboy: historical marker
mooncowboy: illegal climbing
mooncowboy: william h. woodin
mooncowboy: the town of bingham canyon
mooncowboy: mine skyline
mooncowboy: the mine
mooncowboy: automatic photo
mooncowboy: the pit
mooncowboy: metamorphosis
mooncowboy: keep both feet on the ground
mooncowboy: mine family
mooncowboy: kids, huge tire
mooncowboy: large tire
mooncowboy: canyon statistics
mooncowboy: kennecott welcomes you
mooncowboy: kennecott copper mine from the air