Ian Kershaw: IMGP5326.jpg
Ian Kershaw: The Pacific
Ian Kershaw: IMGP5330.jpg
Ian Kershaw: Alcatraz
Ian Kershaw: Looking back towards San Francisco
Ian Kershaw: The Golden Gate Bridge
Ian Kershaw: IMGP5336.jpg
Ian Kershaw: The iconic Golden Gate Bridge
Ian Kershaw: Golden Gate Bridge support
Ian Kershaw: Alcatraz
Ian Kershaw: Sea lions at Pier 39 in San Francisco
Ian Kershaw: Thousands of developers at the WWDC 2016 Keynote
Ian Kershaw: WWDC 2016 Logo
Ian Kershaw: Tim Cook begins the WWDC 2016 keynote
Ian Kershaw: Wall of app icons, WWDC 2016
Ian Kershaw: Tim Cook, CEO Apple
Ian Kershaw: Hair Force One
Ian Kershaw: Chris Latner, father of Swift
Ian Kershaw: Chris Latner introduces Swift 3