moojieturtle: Hanging out with the lab
moojieturtle: is there a doctor in the house?
moojieturtle: 41 hours into the test
moojieturtle: Handing in my written generals
moojieturtle: Office at school
moojieturtle: Lunchtime
moojieturtle: Lunch with Noah and Yassir
moojieturtle: Generals celebration
moojieturtle: Lunch in Natick
moojieturtle: First time!
moojieturtle: Trying to spell
moojieturtle: Now he's got it!
moojieturtle: Working at Busek
moojieturtle: Me at Busek
moojieturtle: Lunch picture
moojieturtle: Metaphor
moojieturtle: Snakes on a Shuttle!
moojieturtle: dan returns from the mines
moojieturtle: miner hands