imoof: Chairs made of jeans
imoof: HC on the spiraly stairs
imoof: kale chips
imoof: tofu pockets!
imoof: Tofu Pockets, Seared Tuna and Kale Chips
imoof: Our wise kimchi instructor
imoof: IMG_2987-resize
imoof: IMG_2988
imoof: IMG_2989
imoof: IMG_2990
imoof: Almost finished product
imoof: post-kimchi-making eats
imoof: goodies!
imoof: Persimmon kimchi
imoof: fresh kimchi
imoof: IMG_4187
imoof: The finished product
imoof: pizza crust
imoof: Mozzarella
imoof: chopping up the kimchi
imoof: kimchi toppings
imoof: added spam and onions
imoof: corn meal mess!
imoof: kimchi pizza popped in the oven
imoof: Voila! Kimchi and SPAM pizza
imoof: IMG_4202
imoof: My first slice