moocatmoocat: The German Society windows
moocatmoocat: Philadelphia rowhouses with snow
moocatmoocat: on the waterfront
moocatmoocat: Elfreth's Alley
moocatmoocat: red umbrella
moocatmoocat: Old City wall
moocatmoocat: blue bridge
moocatmoocat: door patterns and textures
moocatmoocat: bottling the world
moocatmoocat: colored lanterns
moocatmoocat: When the aliens landed in Philadelphia
moocatmoocat: ice cream sodas
moocatmoocat: Clouds at Sunset, Philadelphia
moocatmoocat: Frank Furness
moocatmoocat: pig rider
moocatmoocat: cross bars
moocatmoocat: Architectural garden
moocatmoocat: gargoyle dragon
moocatmoocat: View from Arch Street Friends Meeting House
moocatmoocat: on a carousel
moocatmoocat: Franklin Square Park carousel
moocatmoocat: grass, bridge
moocatmoocat: mast and bridge