moocatmoocat: Persepolis: Gate of All Nations
moocatmoocat: Growing
moocatmoocat: Snow fight
moocatmoocat: sky scrapers
moocatmoocat: grumpy puma
moocatmoocat: amaryllis on fire
moocatmoocat: sea dragon
moocatmoocat: a boy and his hippo
moocatmoocat: the volcano's crater
moocatmoocat: golden whiskers
moocatmoocat: Rittenhouse sundial and ice
moocatmoocat: cougar chorus
moocatmoocat: Jameh Mosque mihrab detail
moocatmoocat: boats in the golden hour
moocatmoocat: Battleship new jersey
moocatmoocat: puma reflection
moocatmoocat: "love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet"
moocatmoocat: mosaics at twilight
moocatmoocat: jaguar twist
moocatmoocat: 22. Taking the ferry to Gozo island