Montgolfier: confusamente protesi verso qualcosa di indistinto?
Montgolfier: instructions to escape from a red snowflake
Montgolfier: waves out of phase
Montgolfier: that is the question
Montgolfier: is future pink?
Montgolfier: Looking for Kris
Montgolfier: The importance of being focussed
Montgolfier: Instructions to save the millions of stories told by the sea
Montgolfier: da dove affiora la luce delle parole?
Montgolfier: accostamenti non autorizzati
Montgolfier: La disparition du sujet
Montgolfier: esitare di fronte al nocciolo rosso delle cose
Montgolfier: sometimes we just hide the light
Montgolfier: You need a window to open the sky
Montgolfier: In winter, do we need it more?
Montgolfier: Ora tu pensa: un pianoforte
Montgolfier: tu ci pensi mai a dove vanno a finire le note?
Montgolfier: beata l'ignoranza delle farfalle
Montgolfier: e se il vento arrivasse dall'altra parte?
Montgolfier: test della macchina dello spazio tempo
Montgolfier: To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet
Montgolfier: don't play it all for yourself (only)
Montgolfier: becoming art
Montgolfier: Is photography realism?
Montgolfier: scomparire