Montgolfier: Cubist self-portrait
Montgolfier: Self-portrait with Opera House
Montgolfier: Shadow Self Portrait
Montgolfier: Shadow self portrait n°2
Montgolfier: Self Portrait with City and Closed Café
Montgolfier: Will you marry me?
Montgolfier: Red Lights Self Portrait
Montgolfier: Le recit (auto portrait avec teathre)
Montgolfier: The silent judgment
Montgolfier: Sel Portrait with Place de la Bastille
Montgolfier: So fast, just a shadow behind
Montgolfier: Paul Klee self-portrait
Montgolfier: Sognavo di fare il calciatore
Montgolfier: Feeling under distorsion
Montgolfier: L'accordéoniste
Montgolfier: La bicicletta della cicogna
Montgolfier: Self-portrait with princess and castle
Montgolfier: Valdo Fusi Self Portrait
Montgolfier: Shadow reflection black and white self portrait
Montgolfier: The SAE man
Montgolfier: Through the looking glass
Montgolfier: Self portrait with nail shop
Montgolfier: All that jazz
Montgolfier: May my words be fruits for you
Montgolfier: Mondrian Self-Portrait
Montgolfier: Autoritratto ingannevole
Montgolfier: The Big Brother
Montgolfier: Tribute to Federico Fellini
Montgolfier: Levitazione d'un limone in bottiglia
Montgolfier: Looking for my counterweight