guywithmonsters: imagejpeg_2.jpg
guywithmonsters: Drinks at Watermark
guywithmonsters: Leaving the Eagle, NYC
guywithmonsters: Me by Cole
guywithmonsters: Baby Marcus
guywithmonsters: Me by Cole
guywithmonsters: Sweet Pea
guywithmonsters: Driving to my house (context)
guywithmonsters: walking the dog
guywithmonsters: May_24 036
guywithmonsters: Walking the dog
guywithmonsters: May_24 010
guywithmonsters: Me and the chicken
guywithmonsters: The first cut
guywithmonsters: Jailhouse Hound
guywithmonsters: first cut 2
guywithmonsters: Presents!
guywithmonsters: Baby K and SpongeBob
guywithmonsters: SpongeBob is 8
guywithmonsters: Puppet's Rough Night Out
guywithmonsters: Birthday cake
guywithmonsters: DSCF4477
guywithmonsters: Davinci helps unwrap
guywithmonsters: Baby K and parents
guywithmonsters: This cat is totally trying to get in my house.
guywithmonsters: Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Baby K