guywithmonsters: kitchen counter notes
guywithmonsters: scary_bathroom1
guywithmonsters: scary_bathroom2
guywithmonsters: scary_bathroom3
guywithmonsters: scary_bathroom4
guywithmonsters: hallway1
guywithmonsters: bedroom1
guywithmonsters: bedroom2
guywithmonsters: livingroom
guywithmonsters: livingroom
guywithmonsters: bedroom_rug1
guywithmonsters: Prosecco: A Toast to my new house, to Kirby's new job and to Life's other little adventures
guywithmonsters: "New Fixture" in the bathroom
guywithmonsters: Free to a good home: 50's ceiling lights
guywithmonsters: Haircut!
guywithmonsters: I painted my Dinning Room! - The new hutch!
guywithmonsters: I painted my Dinning Room! - my fab built in
guywithmonsters: I painted my Dinning Room! - A giant world map is going where those pics are
guywithmonsters: I painted my Dinning Room! - looking into kitchen
guywithmonsters: Night Snow with Flash
guywithmonsters: Night Snow with Headlights
guywithmonsters: Snow :-)
guywithmonsters: branches in snow
guywithmonsters: Cottage at Night
guywithmonsters: Cardinal
guywithmonsters: Maybe I shouldn't be home unattended
guywithmonsters: Still Life with Amaryllis