Monster.: Going Underground
Monster.: The Blues
Monster.: Lonesome and Pining
Monster.: Making Tracks
Monster.: Morning Dew
Monster.: Smithy
Monster.: Make A Wish
Monster.: Crazy Paving
Monster.: Prayers And Thoughts
Monster.: Hope Springs Eternal
Monster.: Unable To Face It?
Monster.: Floral Fireworks
Monster.: Corroding Carriage
Monster.: Hay Bales
Monster.: Leap Of Faith
Monster.: Poppies, Poppies Will Send Then To Sleep
Monster.: Lac Amance
Monster.: The Pursuit
Monster.: Black & White
Monster.: Executive Toy
Monster.: Couldn't Give A Fig.
Monster.: Young Brickie
Monster.: Beach Huts
Monster.: Spring Shower
Monster.: Raindrops
Monster.: Backlit
Monster.: Stripes
Monster.: Tunnel Vision
Monster.: Pontiac Profile
Monster.: Bottled It