just maryse: DSC_0014.JPG
just maryse: black and white
just maryse: Corriedale? or Romney?
just maryse: baby doll
just maryse: i don't remember what this animal is
just maryse: baby goat
just maryse: DSC_0131.JPG
just maryse: DSC_0154.JPG
just maryse: wicked nice wool
just maryse: beautious wool
just maryse: draped
just maryse: wall of wool
just maryse: femiknit mafia's yellow wheel
just maryse: feminknit mafia's yellow wheel
just maryse: wall of silk
just maryse: don't look at it in the eyes
just maryse: candy apples
just maryse: french fries
just maryse: pumpkin patch
just maryse: waiting for the great pumpkin
just maryse: barrel of monkeys
just maryse: brooms
just maryse: yarn backlit
just maryse: yarn cones
just maryse: snacks
just maryse: hot & cold drinks
just maryse: my cards!