monsieur ours:
I am not here
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La sucette géante de la rue Laliment
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monsieur ours:
So she danced
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sky factory
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Bordeaux by night
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welcome to the jungle, plus fort que paris plage
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L'internationale de la bière ( beer as a bound for human kind )
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Bordeaux sur champ
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pont de pierre / stone bridge
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Merci beaucoup les gars :)
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Gros coup pour la fourrière
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Danseurs de rue / street dancers
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sailing over the city
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water football
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Manifestation étudiante
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Manifestation étudiante
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un peu d'ironie - a little irony
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déclaration d'amour
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growing wild / croissance folle
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fête foraine
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fête foraine
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bordeaux's finest view
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under the bridge
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skate park
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skate park
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Everyday superstar
monsieur ours:
foued à l'appolo